Jupyter - Project Jupyter exists to develop open-source software, open-standards, and services for interactive computing across dozens of programming languages).

JupyterLab: Jupyter’s Next-Generation Notebook Interface

JupyterLab is a web-based interactive development environment for Jupyter notebooks, code, and data. JupyterLab is flexible: configure and arrange the user interface to support a wide range of workflows in data science, scientific computing, and machine learning. JupyterLab is extensible and modular: write plugins that add new components and integrate with existing ones.

The Jupyter Notebook

The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more.
Logo Jupyter

Replit - Free, collaborative, in-browser IDE).
Replit runs fully direct in browser, so it is possible to get started coding in seconds, without ZIPs, PKGs, DMGs and WTFs. Used on macOS, Windows, Linux, or any other OS. Hassle-free config.
Logo Replit

PLATFORM - PyCharm Community : para o autêntico desenvolvimento Python
Gratuito, com base em open source
Logo PyCharm

PLATFORM - Anaconda
Open-source Python distribution platform
Anaconda Navigation

PLATFORM - Visual Studio Code
Code editing.
Free. Built on open source. Runs everywhere.
Anaconda Navigation

Free Python extension for Visual Studio Code
Free Python extension for Visual Studio Code

IDE - Spyder
The Scientific Python Development Environment .
Core building blocks of a powerful IDE: Editor; IPython COnsole; Variable Explorer; Plots; Debugger; and Help.

Spyder is a free and open source scientific environment written in Python, for Python, and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts. It features a unique combination of the advanced editing, analysis, debugging, and profiling functionality of a comprehensive development tool with the data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection, and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package.
IDE Spyder

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e-Book - The Python Coding Book
| By Stephen Gruppetta
The friendly, relaxed programming book

According to the author, Stephen Gruppetta, "if you’re a beginner who wants to learn how to code, then give this book a try. If you’ve tried to learn already and you’re struggling to get beyond the basics, then you may find that this book is what you need to take the next step".

The Python Coding Book
e-Books - Coffee Break Python
By Christian Mayer | September 2018
A puzzle a day to learn, code, and play.

If you are an aspiring coder and you seek ways to advance your coding then "The Coffee Break Python" and "Coee Break Python Slicing" books are for you.

Coffee Break Python    Coee Break Python Slicing
e-Books - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!
By Keneth Reitz and Tanya Shlusser | Last acess on May 2022
Let’s get started! But first, let’s make sure you know where your towel is.

"This handcrafted guide exists to provide both novice and expert Python developers a best practice handbook for the installation, configuration, and usage of Python on a daily basis. This guide is opinionated in a way that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Python’s official documentation. You won’t find a list of every Python web framework available here. Rather, you’ll find a nice concise list of highly recommended options".

python-guide logo    python-guide book
pdf - PythonDataScienceHandbook
By Jake Vander Plas | Last acess on May 2022

The book introduces the core libraries essential for working with data in Python: particularly IPython, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, and related packages. Familiarity with Python as a language is assumed; if you need a quick introduction to the language itself, see the free companion project, A Whirlwind Tour of Python: it's a fast-paced introduction to the Python language aimed at researchers and scientists..
pdf - Python Free Books
Several Books and Authors | | Last acess on June 2022

Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World.
pdf - Scipy Lectures Notes - Python for science
Edited by Gaël Varoquaux, Emmanuelle Gouillart, Olaf Vahtras and Pierre de Buyl | | 2020

One document to learn numerics, science, and data with Python: some lecture notes on the scientific Python ecosystem that can be used for a full course of scientific computing with Python.
Scipy Lectures Notes

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Vídeo - Control Arduino Nano BLE with Bluetooth & Python

"See how you can control your Arduino Nano BLE and read sensor values and actuate controls, communicating with it via Bluetooth using Python, such as from a Windows, Mac or Linux machine like the Raspberry Pi! Demonstrated using the onboard RGB LED, you can utilize the same framework and add other sensors and actuators to the mix. The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is chockfull of sensors like temperature, humidity, pressure, motion, vibration, orientation, color, brightness, proximity, gesture, and microphone".

See Project details including code and additional explanations.

ARTIGOS (Papers) E LEITURAS (Readings)
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ARTIGO - Django: o que é e como começar a usar este framework
Por Eduardo Lucas ! Geek Hunter Blog | 25/06/2021

ARTIGO - Os 10 melhores cursos Python para você aprender
Por Mariana Padoan ! Geek Hunter Blog | 03/03/2022

ARTIGO - Flask: o que é e como codar com esse micro framework Python
Por João Wilian | Geek Hunter Blog | 09/2020
O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar de forma prática e objetiva sobre como começar a codar com Flask!

ARTICLE - Python for Beginners
By Ayushman Dubey | Tryhackme Blog | Jul 25, 2019 • 9 min read
How to use Python libraries - a multi-purpose interpreted programming language.


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Infográfico - Python Libraries and Frameworks - by Tanjilasmm

Infográfico - Python Built-In Functions - by Data Science Dojo

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BASIC - W3S Python | Tutorial | by w3 Schools
Learn Python.


BASIC - Python | Tutorial | by Staff / "Tutorials Point" at
This tutorial will give you a full introduction into Python.


BASIC - Scientific Computing with Python | by Charles Severance / freeCodeCamp/
In the Scientific Computing with Python Certification, you'll learn Python fundamentals like variables, loops, conditionals, and functions. Then you'll quickly ramp up to complex data structures, networking, relational databases, and data visualization.

BASIC - Intro to Python Tutorial | by Bernd Klein at
This tutorial provides a comprehensive and in-depth introduction to the Python language. Python version 3, which is the latest and the correct one! It differs from other tutorials in that it provides many examples, exercises and many easy-to-understand charts and graphs. The course is aimed at both beginners and intermediate to experienced programmers or developers who are looking for differences to other programming languages.

BASIC - Learn Python - Full Course for Beginners [Tutorial] | by Mike Dane / Giraffe Academy at
This course will give you a full introduction into all of the core concepts in python. Follow along with the videos and you'll be a python programmer in no time! Want more from Mike? He's starting a coding RPG/Bootcamp -

BASIC - Python - Programming Language | Tutorial | by Mike Dane / Giraffe Academy at
This course will give you a full introduction into all of the core concepts in python. Follow along with the videos and you'll be a python programmer in no time!

ADVANCED - Advanced Computer Vision with Python - Full Course | by Murtaza Hassan at
Learn advanced computer vision using Python in this full course. You will learn state of the art computer vision techniques by building five projects with libraries such as OpenCV and Mediapipe. If you are a beginner, don't be afraid of the term advance. Even though the concepts are advanced, they are not difficult to follow.

JSON - JSON em Python (JavaScript Object Notation) - O que é JSON e para que Serve? | Por #hastagprogramacao
Vídeo apresenta o formato JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) em Python.


API - Como Criar API com Python - Crie a Sua Própria API no Python | Por #hastagprogramacao
Vídeo apresenta como criar uma API em Python pela plataforma Replit.


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PSF - Python Software Foundation
The Python Software Foundation is the organization behind Python. The mission of the Python Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers.
Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. Python is powerful... and fast; plays well with others; runs everywhere; is friendly & easy to learn; is Open. These are some of the reasons people who use Python would rather not use anything else. The most up-to-date and current source code, binaries, documentation, news, etc., is available on the official website of Python Software Foundation.

You can download Python documentation from The documentation is available in HTML, PDF, and PostScript formats.

Download Python for Windows, Linux/UNIX, macOS and other OS.

APyB - Python Brasil
A comunidade Python Brasil reune grupos de usuários em todo o Brasil interessados em difundir e divulgar a linguagem de programação.

A Associação Python Brasil (APyB) foi formada em abril de 2007 com a meta de apoiar as comunidades relacionadas à linguagem Python e suas tecnologias derivadas. (Nota: o portal não tem vinculação à ou à APyB).

PlanetPy - Planet Python
"It’s an aggregator of dozens of blogs, podcasts, and other resources on the Python programming language. It syndicates posts that cover Python or are of interest to the Python community. Planet Python is a terrific resource for learning the language and keeping up with what’s going on in its ecosystem"
(AMOROSO, 2019).

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Vídeo - Most Important Python Tools for Ethical Hackers & Penetration Testers 2021

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BLENDER - Construindo scripts em Python para o Blender | Por Blender
Python scripts are a versatile way to extend Blender functionality. Most areas of Blender can be scripted, including animation, rendering, import and export, object creation and automating repetitive tasks.

DONKEYCAR - An opensource DIY self driving platform for small scale cars. RC CAR + Raspberry Pi + Python (tornado, keras, tensorflow, opencv, ....)
Build your own toy car that can drive itself. Drive your car with your phone or laptop. Record images, steering angles & throttles. Train neural net pilots to drive your car on different tracks. Race your car in a DIY Robocars race.

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Biblioteca de código aberto - PyCaret

PyCaret is an open source, low-code machine learning library in Python (by Moez Ali, July 2020) that aims to reduce cycle time from hypothesis to insights. PyCaret automates machine learning workflows. It is an end-to-end machine learning and model management tool that speeds up the experiment cycle exponentially and makes you more productive.
Logo Fast AILive

Biblioteca de código aberto - PyCaret - Documentação
Release Notes, Example Notebooks, Blog Posts, LinkedIn, YouTube, Contribute and More about PyCaret.
Logo PyCaretLive

Guide - PyCaret
Getting started , functions, pre-processing, modules and tutorial.
Logo PyCaretLive

Git - PyCaret - Github
Logo PyCaretLive

Biblioteca de código aberto - PyMatplotlib: Visualization with Python

Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. Matplotlib makes easy things easy and hard things possible: create publication quality plots; make interactive figures that can zoom, pan, update; customize visual style and layout; export to many file formats; embed in JupyterLab and Graphical User Interfaces; and use a rich array of third-party packages built on Matplotlib. Matplotlib is a community project maintained for and by its users.
Logo matplotlib

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HISTORY 20/07/2021 - History and Philosophy of Python | By Bernd Klein at | Last modified: 18 Jul 2021

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JS JavaScript | Por Mozilla Developer Network | Último acesso em: 11 Maio 2022
JavaScript é uma linguagem de programação que permite implementar funcionalidades mais complexas em páginas web. Sempre que uma página web faz mais do que apenas mostrar informações estáticas para você - ela mostra em tempo real conteúdos atualizados, mapas interativos, animações gráficas em 2D/3D, vídeos, etc. - você pode apostar que o Javascript provavelmente está envolvido.


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06/11/2021 - Magalu lança curso gratuito de programação para pessoas com 40 anos ou mais
Por Fabrício Juliãodo CNN Brasil Business em 06/11/2021 às 04:30

Iniciativa visa inserir pessoas da faixa etária no mercado de tecnologia e suprir as demandas de mão de obra do setor

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